If foreclosure is just around the corner and you are thinking about a deed in lieu of foreclosure, your lender may be willing to offer “Cash for Keys” in which they will pay you cash to vacate the house in an orderly and timely fashion. Your relocation costs are expected to be covered by the money you receive in the transaction.
Because it is in the lender’s interest to avoid the time and cost entailed in foreclosing on a house, many lenders will agree to pay you cash in exchange for you moving out by a set date and keeping the property in good condition until you leave. Oftentimes you will not be paid until the day you vacate or after rvacating the property.
Cash for Keys arrangements can be complex and require coordination between a number of parties. Let us help you navigate those waters with our tried and tested experience. Our consultation services are free. Contact us today and find out if Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure is right or if there is an even more suitable option for your situation.