‘Save my home from foreclosure' says Texas captain who almost lost house

Michael Clauer was overseas serving in Iraq, when he learned the family home had been sold at a foreclosure auction. His wife was suffering from depression and did not  pay the quarterly dues to the Frisco Home Owners Association. It left Clauer saying ‘save my home from foreclosure’, and they are helping to enact new legislation that limits the power that Texas HOAs have.

Should military personnel, like Clauer, have to say ‘save my home from foreclosure?’ The couple’s house, worth $300,000 did sell at a foreclosure sale for $3,201. The house was resold a year later for $135,000. The couple lost a house that had been owned by May Clauer’s parents, because Michael and May Clauer did not pay the $977.21 they owed in HOA fees. Clauer’s wife did not see the bills she owed because she did not open the mail.

Military family sues to ‘save my home from Foreclosure’

The couple filed a lawsuit under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. The Act keeps active military members from having a house foreclosed without a court proceeding. This means active duty personnel do not have to say ‘save my home from foreclosure,’ while they are serving their country.

In the Clauers case, this Texas HOA eventually gave the house back to the family. It was not until the house sold twice. The incident has the family trying to decide if they will stay in the Texas area when Michael Clauer’s assignment is over. The Clauers may sell the Texas home and move. The case was a scary ordeal for Michael Clauer, who says no one should have to say, ‘save my home from foreclosure.’ He and his family have a plea; the Clauers’s plea is no homeowner should have to experience what they have had to endure. It has been a nightmare for the family.

How a Texas military family’s ordeal to ‘save my home from foreclosure’ sparked Change

It used to be that Texas military families could be in danger of losing a house through quick foreclosure proceedings that did not require a judge to sign off on the process. The process now takes longer. Now, Texas HOAs are required to seek a judicial foreclosure through a judge. The law has been changed so military families, such as the Clauers, do not have to worry their house will be foreclosed while they are overseas on duty. Their homes cannot be taken away without their knowledge. Foreclosures are now seen as a judicial process; a judge must approve them. This keeps Texas HOAs from stripping homes away from service members who say ‘save my home from foreclosure.’ Their homes are safe.

Are you an active duty military service member? You do not have to worry your house can be snatched away. Service members cannot lose their house because they are behind on HOA payments, as the Clauers did. The Clauers were not aware they could lose the house if the HOA fees were not paid. Before the Clauers incident, ‘save my home from foreclosure’ may be a common call among military personnel. Did you know military service members face foreclosure at a rate of per every four soldiers?

Did you know that they are housing assistance for active duty soldiers, their family members, and veterans? They may not have to take up the cry ‘save my home from foreclosure.’ Military members do have access to several housing assistance programs. These programs can help soldiers avoid foreclosure. Did you know Save My Texas Home has helped hundreds of people keep their Texas homes? Their qualified experts can help military and non-military families protect what is most valuable to them. If you need help to save your Texas house, call Save My Texas Home at 512-271-5044, today! Visit us online at www.savemytexashome.org.

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