Owning a house has always been considered the better and efficient choice for most Americans than just renting a room, apartment or condominium. This is because of the long term benefits that being a home owner provides are financially convenient;… Read more
Tag: save my home from foreclosure
Learn about How to Save My Home From Foreclosure
Thе hеlp prоmiѕеd fоr hоmеоwnеrѕ tо save their home from foreclosure appеars tо bе wrappеd up in Gоvеrnmеnt Burеaucracy, whilе hоmеоwnеrѕ kееp lоѕing thеir hоmеѕ at accеlеrating ratеѕ. Mоrе that 270,000 nеw fоrеclоѕurеѕ wеrе fillеd, juѕt in thе mоnth оf… Read more
‘Save my home from foreclosure' says Texas captain who almost lost house
Michael Clauer was overseas serving in Iraq, when he learned the family home had been sold at a foreclosure auction. His wife was suffering from depression and did not pay the quarterly dues to the Frisco Home Owners Association. It… Read more