Loan modification is an option that covers a variety of possible services. We will negotiate with your lender on your behalf for Loan Modification, a Repayment Plan, or Forbearance.

It really depends on the specifics of your situation which type of loan modification is going to help you the most, and be most likely to be accepted by your lender.

Some homeowners qualify for a loan modification. We may be able to assist you with modifying your loan to reduce the interest rate or reduce payments. This can be an effective option if your hardship was a temporary one, but may not be suitable for other situations.

Loan modification tends to be best for those with a fair amount of equity and/or where the financial hardship was temporary. Otherwise, the kind of loan modification your lender is likely to approve may not be enough to hold off eventual foreclosure.

Please fill out the form on the right or call us at 512-271-5044 to discuss loan modification among several other options available to Texas homeowners. Our services are always free.

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