Families struggle with mortgage loans held by Nations Bank

Texas families continue to struggle; their houses hanging in jeopardy of foreclosure. One couple owned a home-inspection business and they lost 90 percent of their profits. Another borrower took out a mortgage to expand her business. She took out a second mortgage and now, she owes $735,000. Her house is worth $235,000. She owes more than her house is worth. She did not make payments on her mortgage. She was not alone; many families did not pay their mortgages. Some couples admitted they lived in their houses more than 400 days before foreclosure proceedings started. Many families will do what it takes to delay foreclosure. They want to stop the banks from taking their homes.

What it takes to delay Foreclosure with Nations Bank

Foreclosures in Texas have slowed in the last several years. There are far fewer foreclosures today. There were 47,902 foreclosures in 2013. Overall, foreclosures have dropped 41.4 percent in 2012 and 48.6 percent from 2011. There have been 17,768 foreclosures in 2013. The rate of foreclosures from those who have Nations Bank, as their mortgage lender, may have dropped in recent times, but it is still one of the lenders we hear about from clients most often. There may be little relief for those willing to do what it takes to delay foreclosure. In today’s housing climate there are many free programs Texans may utilize to save their homes.

Have you ever heard of savemytexashome.org? This organization helps clients save their homes and charges no fee to assist with choosing the option that is best suited for dealing with Nations Bank and stopping the foreclosure process.

Save My Texas Home can help clients find foreclosure alternatives or help delay foreclosures. This organization’s specialists can help families through the foreclosure process, often speaking to Nations Bank representatives for them. They may not be an ‘investor’ in the sense they do not buy foreclosure houses, but they can put you in touch with trusted investors if that is the option you are interested in.

Many Texas families can stop their foreclosure nightmares by obtaining free help from an organization like Save My Texas Home. They can get a written authorization from a you to talk to a bank or government agencies on your behalf.

Postpone the sale of your home

Some families do not realize they can postpone a foreclosure sale held by Nations Bank, their mortgage loan holder. They must request the postponement through specialists like those at Save My Texas Home, who will help them put the request in writing. A verbal request is not an official request. All requests need to be made in writing.

It is possible to stop a foreclosure, if families turn to those who have specialized knowledge about such issues. Save My Texas Home is an example. These specialists can help families keep their homes. Foreclosure proceedings can be difficult because these do change from state to state. For this reason, it is best to hire a professional. They know foreclosure laws in Texas and can help families through the foreclosure process. Families do not have to pay to get the help they need, when they know where to look for free help. If couples have a team of specialists, it may help them get the information they need to save their home.

How to Stop Nations Bank Foreclosure

Families may struggle, knowing it is too easy to default on a mortgage loan. This reason is why a couple must have a solid game plan. Families need to know there is a way to keep Nations Bank from taking their home. The important thing is to seek help as soon as possible. There are several options available to help Nations Bank borrowers save their homes, but the most options are available to those who get help as quickly as possible.

Have you ever used an organization’s help, such as Save My Texas Home? Many families may be scared because they have never been in foreclosure or contacted such an organization. Organizations, such as Save My Texas Home, have helped hundreds of Texas families to save their homes. It is a good option for homeowners who want to have foreclosure alternatives, but don’t know where to look. This organization works with government and non-government agencies. If you need help saving your Texas home, you can call Save My Texas Home today at 512-271-5044 and find out what your options are. You can also visit them online at www.savemytexashome.org.

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