If you are facing a foreclosure on your home, the most important thing is to not panic. A foreclosure is never a positive solution for you or your lender, and many banks, such as Wells Fargo, have services available that… Read more
Tag: what it takes to delay foreclosure
How to Delay Foreclosure with CitiBankHow to keep your home from foreclosing especially from Citi bank
We all have some kind of experience with it. Whether it being a friend, co-worker, family member or even your own experience, foreclosure of a home is present in everyday life. Yet what if I told you that I know… Read more
Families struggle with mortgage loans held by Nations Bank
Texas families continue to struggle; their houses hanging in jeopardy of foreclosure. One couple owned a home-inspection business and they lost 90 percent of their profits. Another borrower took out a mortgage to expand her business. She took out a second… Read more
Citi Bank tries to take military service member's house: what it takes to delay Foreclosure?
Citi Bank is not the only mortgage loan holder to try to foreclose a soldier’s house, illegally. Some families do not know what it takes to delay foreclosure. Did you know fighting a pending foreclosure may help some couples and… Read more
Are you having troubles with Chase Bank and threat of foreclosure? You'r not alone
Many couples simply want to modify their home mortgage loans and are confused when it comes to the best way to get their loan refinanced. One couple was told by a Chase Bank employee to miss a loan payment. The… Read more