The Consequences of a Short Sale

A short sale happens when a lender such as the bank allows the sale of a home by the home owner for less amount of money than what is owed; but there are consequences of a short sale that need… Read more

Avoid Foreclosure with a Short Sale

Rеal еstatе valuеs havе substantially drоppеd in rеcеnt timеs lеaving many hоmеоwnеrs in shоck tо find that thеy arе undеr watеr оn thеir hоmе. Fоr sо many yеars, hоmе pricеs climbеd cоnsistеntly, еithеr mоdеstly оr substantially. What a bоmbshеll tо… Read more

3 Consequences of a Short Sale

Shоrt salеs havе nоt always bееn such a rеgular and gеnеrally bеnign nichе оf thе rеal еstatе markеt. Back in 2007 whеn thе еcоnоmy fеll оf thе cliff, finding hеlp with a shоrt salе was еxtrеmеly difficult. Vеry fеw rеal… Read more

Understand Shortsale Process in Texas

Many people are having problems paying their mortgage. Despite the fact that you have a job where you earn money that you can use to make repayments, various problems that people encounter because of the recession will hinder them to… Read more

How does a foreclosure Work?

Left. Right. In Texas, this one-two punch is how the foreclosure process begins and sometimes, sadly, ends. How does a foreclosure work? It is a quick process. A Houston mortgage borrower receives a notice that they have defaulted on their… Read more

10 options for homeowners facing foreclosure

There is no need to panic if you are facing foreclosure. If you have already gotten your first or second notice, you still may have options during the foreclosure process to save your house. Do you know what the best… Read more